Agriculture in Israel

What is cultivated?



Citrus fruits

Where are they cultivated?

The orchards are located north-east of the Kinneret

In the Kahal / Maale Gamla / Had Nes Region


Kibbutzim, moshavim, agricultural organizations and private farmers

Erez Kedem’s Orchards

Where are the orchards located?

Erez Kedem’s orchards are spread out in the Galilee and Golan region, in a large expanse between Moshav Kahal that faces the Kinneret from the West,
through the winding road that ascends from the valley reaching Maale Gamla in the Golan up to Had Nes that is almost submerged in the teeming Jordan River waters.

What do the orchards contain?

Hundreds of thousands of square meters of mango orchards of all varieties
Tens of thousands of square meters of established avocado orchards.
Tens of thousands of square meters of citrus fruits – Lime, tangerines and various types of oranges.

The choice fruits that grow in Erez Kedem’s orchards go directly from the tree to the packinghouses and large customers in Israel and globally.

The orchards and nurseries undergo strict inspection and control by the flora protection services which operate within the framework of the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture and they comply with the strict demands and all the relevant international export standards.

Mango – A tropical fruit that is that most Israeli available.

There are hundreds of thousands of square meters of mangos in our orchards,

of the best Israeli varieties – Noa, Sheli, Omer, Tali and David etc.

Apart from eating it as a fruit, the mango is also used as an ingredient in pastries, salads, and desserts.

Orange – the most well-known Israeli fruit in the world.

Of course, it is the most common among the citrus fruits.

We cultivate tens of thousands of square meters of oranges over a variety of species.

The Israeli orange is the most delicious available


The avocado is an evergreen subtropical fruit tree originating in Central America.

We cultivate tens of thousands of square meters of well-established avocado orchards  on the Northern slopes of the Golan down to the Kinneret.


Limes also found in our citrus groves.

The lime is a fruit from the citrus family.

The fruit has a dark green to yellow color.

In shape and taste, the lime resembles the lemon, but is sourer and, of course, rich in vitamin C.

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